HEY my corn cobs! as I told ya'll I'll be posting my October favourites today! YAY! So first is babylips in energizing orange, its so awesome it keeps your lips mosturized and its also energizing and it does smell like orange! but its not a lipgloss or anything its only a lipbalm and if you swatch it, it does not have any colour.
Second, is my mustache necklace (I look retarded in those photos,,,LOL) me and my friends have been into or obsessed with mutaches! its just so cute so I bought this necklace! and its from gmarket. If you guys saw my previous post, you will understand what gmarket is. Third is....bows/ribbons! Its just the cute clip on ribbons which I found at a flea market....hehe >_< they are just so cute! and their kinda vintage too!
for songs, I have 3 fave songs for this month which is: marilyn monroe by nicki minaj, little things by one direction and today was a fairytale by taylor swift. I know its an kinda old song but...its just so me.
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