Friday 14 February 2014


I am saying a massive massive sorry to all my readers as I have not posted for like months and that is literally because of school. First of all, secondary school is way, way different than primary school. I go home either at 5 pm or latest is by 6:30 pm due to school activities like co-curricular activities and remedials. Life is really really busy now a days. ahahaha I sound like a freaking adult. ew. ok anyways, I am really really tired too whenever I get home cos my school is damn far form my house and being the stupid me, I picked a god damn far school for no god damn reason (but btw i like my school). Everything is actually doing well, I mean I can still cope with My studies and all. oh and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYYYYYYYYYYY (AYE AYE) SO basically I am taking more subjects, but as of right now i am literally hating ENGLISH LITERATURE BECAUSE IT IS ONE BORING AFFFFF SUBJECT. But what i'm really enjoying is history and design and technology because aff im a nerd, hollllllaaaaar. ahahaha im kidding. but for now i think that's all i needa say so i'll sign off first. PEACE OUT.

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