Saturday 17 October 2015

A very unexpected comeback

Hello to the inhabitants that is still miraculously reading my deserted blog. I for one will now start a new fresh beginning on the next chapter of my blogging career. (if I ever have one) As we all know, all of my previous blog posts are the fruits of my boredom in my earlier stages of being a teenager. I started this self titled blog about 3 years ago when I was 13 as a result of boredom and experimental in the net. If you think about, its not really that long that I have established this blog but for I, myself  believe that within those 3 years, I have grown and seen my potential as a writer. (even though no one really tells me that I can be a good writer) I am now more driven to really continue this blog as something legit and not something as a hobby or a past time. I believe that I am more driven now as a blogger and I would be able to come up with unique ideas for my blog post. I am actually considering taking mass communication as a course in Polytechnic and get a degree in Journalism if given the opportunity to. I believe that there is so much more good stuff in stored for me in the writing, media industry and I know that It's going to be 100 times harder to actually get to the top.

Well that is all for a very quick introduction and now I am going to move on to the things and events that made me preoccupied that I was not able to come here and write.

1. SCHOOL or also known as "HELL" by many of us teenagers who extensively hates and dislikes school and gags when they hear the word itself.

You guys need to know, that STUDYING in a small little country called Singapore is no joke at all. You gotta study hard in order to make it big here, frankly speaking. If you just laze around and procrastinate you won't get anywhere my friend. (Unless you're a prodigy, a really really smart Alec or you've got rich parents who can provide for your entire life span. Which neither do I have) I do not exactly hate school nor do I love it, I'm somewhere in between. I go to school to study and get a certificate after 4 years and after that, I'm free to study whatever I want to major in or get a degree in. School eating away half of my life and time, ofcourse I wouldn't be able to blog as much as I want to because, I need to attend to this thing adults call as a "necessity" to be successful, I pretty much believe so.

2. Friends. "Fuck a fake friend, where your real friends at" from a Drake song says it all.

As a 16 yr old , ofcourse I have got to have a group of friends and possibly a boyfriend (but no I do not have one) These amazing people keep me pretty occupied as well. Going out to town and trying different things we've never done before. I do not have much to say but I do spend half of the time with my friends in school or in the weekends.

There you have it folks, 2 main reasons why I have stopped writing for about a year now (?) As what my English teacher would comment on my essay, "Abrupt ending on the story" I am now here ending this blog post as I believe I have explained myself quite a lot already for you to once again believe in me and start reading my blog :)

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